About Us
WTN Electronics, Ltd. Company Profile
Established in 1984, under the name of World Trade Network, Ltd., WTN Electronics sells marine electronics, marine safety, instruments, and spare parts to clients in over 45 countries. We sell wholesale and retail. We can ship many products from stock or within a few days from receipt of order. Marine equipment has been our main area of activity for over 35 years.
To meet our customers' needs, by promptly supplying the products they need at competitive prices, with superior support and service. All customer inquiries receive a response within 24 hours. In most cases, we will supply any USA product our clients require. Our long experience in identifying and locating the right source for USA made products provides our clients with superior SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE with competitive prices and prompt response to their product needs.
We give each customer and each order singular attention. All orders are processed and inspected according to our ISO 9001 Quality Process as documented in our Quality Manual.
Letter from the President
Dear Esteemed Clients and Friends,
Thank you for reviewing the WTN Electronics, buyer’s guide. We are excited to be able to continue our tradition of client support as your Responsive, Resourceful, and Reliable supplier.
You will find many of our strongest product lines within this buyer’s guide. However, our value as a supplier is not limited to what you find here. We pride ourselves in our ability to supply anything needed by our clients. The cornerstone of our business is a strong network of US based manufacturers combined with the expertise and skilled staff to deliver products around the world.
The Products page includes our line card, but even that is not a complete list of the items we can supply to you. If ever any doubt, please send us an email and we’ll do our best to provide the products you need at the right price and with prompt delivery.

We look forward to serving you!

John Kyriagis